ملخص الدرس / الرابعة متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 1/Comparative of equality

the exemples

Mohamed: Which processed food is higher / lower in calories? The cocoa powder or the chocolate bar?

Salah: Let me see .The chocolate bar is higher in calories than cocoa powder, isn't it?

Mohammed: That's right .Which processed food contains more / less fat? The cereal bar or the chocolate bar?

Salah: Let me read the label. The chocolate bar contains less fat than the cereal bar, doesn't it ?

the rule


Short adjective

Long adjective

Comparative of equality

as + adj + as

e.g.: The chocolate bar is as high as cocoa powder in calories

Comparative of superiority

adj + er

e.g.: The chocolate bar is higher in protein than cocoa powder

more/less + adj + er

e.g.: The cereal bar is more contain in calories than cocoa powder

Superlative of superiority

adj + est

e.g.: The cereal bar is highest in protein than chocolate powder.

most + adj + est

e.g.: The cereal bar is most containing in protein than chocolate powder.