ملخص الدرس / الرابعة متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 2/Expressing agreement

the rule

الملخص the rule

When participating in a discussion, you sometimes agree and sometimes disagree with what the other speaker says to you. It is not always necessary to use the verbs "agree" or "disagree" to express – agreement or disagreement. You can express this in a different way.

Use [so + auxiliary + subject] when you respond to a positive statement.


Agreement: so / neither -

We Use SO + auxiliary +subject to respond to a positive statement 


I can swim.  So can I 

She has got a car.  So has he/ so have they. 

 Mary must be sad     So must her brother

When the verb isn't an auxiliary verb, we use" do/ does" for the present tense. And "did" for the past tense


I started today. So did they 

I like chocolate. So do I 

Your father drives very fast. So does my uncle

We use neither + auxiliary + subject to respond to a negative statement