ملخص الدرس / الثآنية ثانوي/اللغة الإنجليزية/UNIT 3/Budding scientist
make a suggestion
When we make a suggestion we can use the following expressions:
I feel like chatting on the Net. How about you...? What about you ...?
It's a sunny day. Why don't we go out for a picnic?
You aren't good at maths. Why don't you take extra lessons?
We still have some free time. We could go and check out books from the library.
We're a little bit late. Shall we go?
When we agree to a suggestion, we can do it in one of the following ways. - How about going to the lab? Yes, why not?/Good idea/ Ok, why not?/ That sounds great/Good/Sure.
When you turn down a suggestion, make sure you give a reason why you say no, or suggest something instead.
What about revising our French lessons this afternoon?
Sorry, I can't. I'm going to do my maths exercises.
How about meeting in the evening instead? I'll have finished my homework then.
giving advice
When the English have a problem and no one to turn to, one solution for them is to write to an ‘agony aunt' for help and advice. This is the person who answers readers' problems in a newspaper or magazine in Britain.
A letter for seeking advice usually consists of three parts. An introduction where you say why you are writing. A short paragraph where you introduce yourself and another paragraph where you expose your problem and ask what you should do.