ملخص الدرس / الأولى متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 02/Describe my school
MY RIGHTS in class
MY RIGHTS in class is:
A good and free education
A safe environment
Equal opportunities in class
Play in the schoolyard
Express my opinions
stand for the national anthem.
I obey and follow school rules.
I respect the opinions of my classmates.
I take care of my school materials.
I do my best in class.
My school things
A pen |
قلم |
A ruler |
مسطرة |
A sharpener |
مبرة |
A pair of scissors | مقص |
A book |
كتاب |
A white board |
لوحة بيضاء |
A dustbin |
سلة مهملاة |
A portfolio |
حامل الأوراق |
A copybook |
كراس |
A schoolbag |
حقيبة مدرسية |
A slate |
طلاسة |
A rubber |
ممحاة |
A chair |
كرسي |
A desk |
مكتب |
A pencil | قلم رصاص |
A pencil case |
مقلمة |
A data show |
عرض البيانات |
coloured pencils |
أقلام تلوين |
School commands
Raise your hand
Stand up.
Sit down.
Clap your hands.
Be quiet.
School commands 2
Count. 1+3=4