⇒ To talk about the material (cotton, wool, glass,plastic, etc) something is formed from, I use: "made + of + the name of the material".
eg: We used to take bath in a tub made of wood.
Our clothes is made of wool or cotton.
Mineral water bottles are usually made of plastic.
⇒ To talk about the place (country, city,etc) where something is made manufactured or produced, I use: "made + in + the name of the place".
eg: This car is made in Algeria.
These jeans were made in Turkey.
Many products sold around the world are made in China.
⇒ To talk about the place (country, city,etc) where something is made manufactured or produced, I use: "made + in + the name of the place".
eg: This car is made in Algeria.
These jeans were made in Turkey.
Many products sold around the world are made in China.
Asking Questions about "material" and "place"
♦ To ask about the material (cotton, wool,glass, plastic, etc) that makes something, I can say: "what is it made of?"
eg: What's your scarf made of?
It's made of silk.
♦ To ask about the place (country, city, etc) where something is made,
I can say: "Where is it made?"
eg: Where's your scarf made?
It's made in India.
♦ People usually use "made whith" to talk about food ingredients.
eg: The soup is made whith vegetables and chicken stock.
تحميل تطبيق توب أكاديمي
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