ملخص الدرس / الثانية متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 3/Enquiring about Someone’s Health

Pronunciation of "sh"

Pronunciation of "sh":

/∫/→ should-shoulder - shin-shoes-show-she-shade-shape-shirt wishes-washes - fishing - nail polish - skin rash - English

Pronunciation of "ch": /t∫/→ chest - children - cheese-check-choose-teacher - kitchen - touching-patch - couch-catch-rich-much-itch-each-wristwatch

"ch is pronounced /∫/not/t∫/: English language has many words of French origin in which the spelling "ch is pronounced /∫/not/t∫/. These words have kept their French pronunciation.

Examples of these exceptions: chef - chic machine - moustache - brochure - chalet - parachute chauffeur

In some English words "ch" is pronounced /k/ not/t∫/

Examples of these exceptions:

"ache" as in: headache-toothache-earache-backache

stomach - stomach ache (=bellyache)

chemist chemical - chemistry-school-psychologist - architect


Examples of these exceptions

chef - chic machine - moustache - brochure - chalet - parachute chauffeur

In some English words "ch" is pronounced /k/ not/t∫/

Examples of these exceptions:

"ache" as in: headache-toothache-earache-backache

stomach - stomach ache (=bellyache)

chemist chemical - chemistry-school-psychologist - architect

I can write my email:


greet Nacer (Dear Nacer: Hi/Hello, Nacer) -

Part 1 of email:

I talk about the contents of a typical daily menu (starter, main course and side dishes: dessert: drinks)

I extend this daily menu to other days of the week (weekdays & weekends)

Part 2 of email:

I talk about breakfast

Part 3 of email:

I talk about exercise activities (during weekdays and weekends) and (period of the day) .


1 express my "Best wishes", "(Kind) Regards", etc. 

sign my name.

PS (.e. Post Scriptum)

I mention the attached documents in a sentence like this: "Please find attached two documents: a weekly diet plan and a typical daily menu."