ملخص الدرس / الثانية متوسط/اللغة الإنجليزية/File 1/describing my house - Markers


Using the present simple tense for description.

I use the present simple tense ["V (stem/base) with: I, we, you, they"] or ["V + (s) with: he, she, it"):

to describe my (or another person's) physical appearance (eyes, hair, nose, height, build, clothes, etc.).

eg: I have big brown eyes and a small nose. / She wears high-heeled shoes.

to talk about my family and relatives (cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle).

eg: Katie is my niece. She loves fashion wear. 

to talk about my daily routine activities (school, homework, meals, sleep.etc.)

or my free time activities (sports, hobbies, etc.).

eg: I go to the swimming pool every Saturday afternoon.

to describe my house and locate bedrooms, living room, dining room, etc.

eg: We have another bathroom downstairs, next to the garage.

to talk about what I like or don't like (my likes/dislikes).

eg: I like swimming, and I'm also a fan of cycling and tennis.

I don't like this kind of sport.

to ask about a person's physical appearance: What does he/she look like?

What does he/she look like?

Using adjectives for description

Colour (fair, blonde, dark, black, etc.)

eg: Two women in red dresses, with long straight fair hair and a white bandana.

Height (tall, short, small, etc.)

eg: The tall one with a beard is my cousin Peter

Build (fat, slim, thin, skinny, strong, etc.)

eg: The thin boy on the third photo is my little nephew Richard.

Hairstyle (straight, curly, wavy, frizzy, short, long, etc.)

eg: The tall girl with long straight blonde hair is my niece Katie.

Beauty and physical attraction (good-looking, elegant, handsome, charming, pretty, cute)

eg: Your aunts look very elegant and charming.


Using possessive pronouns for description

Personal Pronouns

Subject (+V)


Adjectives (+noun)









She Her


It Its -













eg: I live in a beautiful cottage with two storeys. (I: personal pronoun subject)

This is my bedroom. (my: possessive adjective).

This bedroom is mine. (mine: possessive pronoun).

The possessive adjective is followed by a noun.

The possessive pronoun is not followed by a noun.

To express possession. I can use possessive adjectives or possessive pronouns, they have the same meaning,

Using location markers for description:

  1. Using location markers (prepositions and adverbs of place) for description

To describe my (or another person's) house. I use:

  1. prepositions (next to, opposite, on the right/left of, (not) far from, at the hack of, etc.)

eg: The dining room is on the left of the hall, opposite the living room.

  1. adverbs (downstairs, upstairs, etc.)

eg: The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs, on the first floor.

Pronunciation of "s"

Pronunciation of "s" endings in plural nouns and present simple verbs (3rd person singular: he, she, it).

/iz/ →houses - dresses - nieces - noses - washes - garages - matches- cottages 

/s/ → lips-aunts - plaits-makes-roofs - laughs - baths

/z/ → bathtubs_hijabs - grounds - blogs - moves-clothes-uncles bathrooms - cousins - rings - ears - storeys - balconies - nephews

"s" is pronounced:

"s" is pronounced /iz/ after the following sounds:/s-z- ∫-1-3-t∫- dℑ/

(or the following alphabet letters: s, ss, X, ce, sh, ch, ge) 

"s" is pronounced /s/ after the following sounds: /p-t-k-1-0/ 

"s" is pronounced /z/ after the following sounds: /b-d-9-V-0-1-m-1-1-1+ all vowels and diphthongs/


Personal Information:

I first write about my identity (my name, age, class, school, nationality, place of residence) and I add my photo.


Physical Description I then write about my physical appearance (my height, build, cycs, hair style, clothing, physical attraction). 

Family I describe my family tree (father, mother, brothers and sisters, and relatives)

Daily and Free Time Activities - I write about my daily routine activities (I use a schedule). - I write about my favourite free time activities (sport, hobbies) and say why I like them. - I write about exceptional, difficult activities that I can do (like the Magic Cube, or jogging for long distances, etc.)

My House and My Room I give a general description of my house and my room.

CONCLUSION I write one last sentence to say that I am happy to take part in this competition.