ملخص الدرس / الأولى ثانوي/اللغة الإنجليزية/Grammar/firstly- secondly…

the example

Karima: I don't know how to use the computer to check my e-mail in-box. Can you show me how to do it?

Hind: Of course. First, you need to switch on the computer. Then, you need to select your ISP.

Karima: Ok. I have to switch on the computer. Then, I have to select my ISP. What next?

Hind: Next, you have to click on the `e-mail' icon. After that, you need to enter your ID and your password. Is it ok?

Karima: Sure! I have to click on the `e-mail' icon. After that, I have to enter my ID and my password.

Hind: That's right. Next, you have to sign in and wait for the connection.

Karima: What next?

Hind: Finally, you need to click on `write' to send messages or`read' to check your e-mail in-box.

Karima: Thanks your help, Hind. Now, I can do it alone

the rule

First, Then, Next, After that, Later, Finally are called "Time sequencers" or "sequence adverbs".

They are used to indicate the order in which various steps of a procedure are carried out