ملخص الدرس / الثالثة ثانوي/اللغة الإنجليزية/UNIT 3/Comparing Educational systems

historical account

When we give a historical account or tell the story of something or someone, we resort to an organisational pattern based on chronology. To convey chronological order we use:

Past tenses (generally the past simple and occasionally the past perfect).

Sequencers which express :

the beginning of a list : first, to start with, to begin with, originally, etc.

the continuation of a list : next, then, shortly afterwards, later, etc.

the end of a list: finally, at last, eventually, in the end, etc.

Time conjunctions: when, as soon as, while, before, after, once, etc.


Skimming means reading quickly for gist (general meaning). You skim through a written text in order to find out about the topic, the main ideas and the general organisation.

When you are asked to skim through a text, you needn't know every word and sentence in the text. You should concentrate, instead, on recognizing key words, i.e. words that the writer considers to be important. Key words are often repeated in the text.


Scanning: means reading for specific pieces of information (a fact, or a detail, or a particular word). When you scan written texts, your eyes should move quickly to find the information you are interested in. Ignore irrelevant items. What counts here is your power of observation.

from passive to active form








1-Ahmed prepares the courses.

2-Children break the window.

1-The courses are prepared by Ahmed.

2- The window is broken by children.


1-Ahmed prepared the courses.

2- Children broke the window.

1-The courses were prepared by Ahmed.

2- The window was broken by children. 




1-Ahmed will write  the courses

2-Children will break the window.

1- The courses will be written by Ahmed.

2- The window will be broken by children .




1-Ahmed is writing the courses

2- Children are breaking the window.

1- The courses are being written by Ahmed.

2- The window is being broken by children.



1-Ahmed was writing the courses.

2-Children are breaking the window.

1- The courses are being written by Ahmed.

2- The window is being broken by children.




1-Ahmed has written the courses.

2- Children have broken the window.

1- The courses have been written by Ahmed.

2- The window has been broken by children .




1-Ahmed had written the courses.

2- Children had broken the window.

1- The courses had been written by Ahmed.

2- The window had been broken by children .

The consonant sounds of English

The consonant sounds of English are:


as in partner /f/ as in food /h/ as in has
/b/ as in but


as in voice /m/ as in mat
/t/ as in two /θ/ as in three /n/ as in note
/d/ as in do /Õ/ as in this /ℑ/ as in sing
/k/ as in car /S/ as in sea /I/ as in luck
/g/ as in go /z/ as in zoo /r/ as in red
/t∫/ as in chin /∫/ as in she /J/ as in yes
/d3/ as in joke /3/ as measure /W/ as in will

The vowel sounds of English are:

Long vowels

Short vowels


Diphthongs (2vowels)
/i:/ as in eat /I/ as in it /ei/

as in day

/a:/ as in car /e/ as in ten



as in buy

/⊃:/ as in more /æ/ as in bat /⊃i/ as in boy
/u:/ as in too /∧/ as in much /əƱ/ as in no
/3:/ as in word /℘/ as in not /aƱ/

as in now

    /Ʊ/ as in put /iə/ as in ear

as in again /eə/ as in there
    /i/ as in happy /Ʊə/ as in sure

triphtongs (3 vowels)

/aiə/ as in fire
/eiə/ playe




/əuə/ mower